Q: How can I inquire about products directly?

A: If you need any further assistance or have queries regarding your product, please feel free to contact us via e-mail: customerservice@lightdow.com


Q: When I mount the lens to my camera, it says "lens not attached". How can I solve this issue?

A: Only MF lenses which have an AutoFocus function will be recognized on camera. Despite the warning, there should be no issues when using the lens in M mode, some mirrorless cameras might require to set the "Release w/o Lens" option in the camera menu to Enable( or Set the Shutter lock option, if available, in the camera menu to Off: no lens).


Q: How long is the product warranty period?

A: Our warranty policy varies by region and local law. Please contact us via Email: customerservice@lightdow.com


Q: Can I mount full frame lens for APS-C sensor sized cameras?

A: Yes, it is possible since the image circle of full frame lens is larger than that of APS-C image sensor. However, the angle of view will be narrowed down since only the valid image circle will be captured. 


Q: Can I mount APS-C lens for full frame sensor sized cameras?

A: The corner of image will be shown in black since the image circle of APS-C lens is smaller than that of full frame image sensor. However, it can be used without dark corners when full frame camera is support with APS-C sensor.


  • Customer Service
          Email: customerservice@lightdow.com
  • Marketing Inquiry
          Email: georgeqiu@lightdow.com
          Tel: +86 0755 25436654